Back to it.
It's been a while. And all this time, with words wending and paths pitching, there have been major developments. The world has changed. Cops continue to murder black men and go unpunished for it. There is a virus, everywhere, that kills thousands of people per day on this continent. There is a new president not so hellbent on fucking everything up, ever time. And we just got back from running errands in the rain, the big kid driving our car around, me saying, 'slow, slow...' It's been some time.
I'm on Medium now, and the publishing thrust is a difficulty in my writing. More times than not, my pieces put forth to publications get rejected. More times than not, headlines and articles with glaring usage and grammatical errors go viral. Does anyone even understand the differences between its and it's? Is it really sequential, or is the comparison more pertinent than..never mind. There are a lot of really good writers out there. And just like track practice back in university, I get to run right alongside some of the world's best. The price of entry is an account and a keyboard. Let's go.
So there will be much writing from here on out.
I feel less pressure writing here because no one comes here and no one reads this, let alone my mom (who knows about my writing on Medium), so the style will vary and wane and swell back again. There will be esoteric stuff. We will not subject ourselves to 'listicles'. Really, who would write something that sounds like body parts I need to get scanned every few years now that I'm this old and trying to keep things in my pants? Ew. Either way: prepare thyselves. Nothing to see here except everything, and it will not be pretty.
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